«Queda’t en mi» is a horror short film written and directed by Miriam Quesada, financed and produced by Possible Films, with the collaboration of ICEC. It is currently in the editing phase, with plans to begin the festival circuit in 2025. The film was shot in October 2024 in the natural surroundings of Montseny, specifically in the town of Viladrau.
Location: Spain
Category: Short film
Language: Catalan
Production company: Possible Films
Director and screenwriter: Miriam Quesada
Executive Producers: Cristina Pineda
Casting: Mariona Terés, Alba Ribas, Belen Barenys, Mireia Rey, Kathy Sey, Montse Medina, Laura Arxé
Director of photography: Lara Vilanova
Production manager: Anna Moreno and Albert Molins